Tip of the Day: Bleach Kills Mold When Diluted!
Posted on : 21-08-2009 | By : georginesaves | In : Tip of the day
Bleach is MORE effective killing mold spores and many bacteria when diluted with water! Who knew? Tim Ryan, PhD, a fungi researcher at Ohio University did! He found out that straight bleach is more effective when diluted 1:10 with water, mixed, and used RIGHT away before it destabilizes. This means you won’t have to buy bleach as often too!
This is something painters have been doing on bathtubs for years.
This is something painters have been doing on bathtubs for years.
I’ve cleaned over 7,000 homes so as a phoenix carpet cleaning professional I’ve ran into every thing. So I can tell you DON"T USE BLEACH it does not kill mold. Just use soap and water!
I’ve cleaned over 7,000 homes so as a phoenix carpet cleaning professional I’ve ran into every thing. So I can tell you DON"T USE BLEACH it does not kill mold. Just use soap and water!