Tip of the Day: Prevent Bugs & Weeds Naturally
I found a very effective way to get rid of weeds that are in the cracks and crevices of walkways or pavers. In a quart spray bottle add 4 oz of lemon juice and fill the rest with vinegar. Spray and within 24 hours you will see the weeds turn brown and they are very easy to remove.
For insects try pureeing 15 cloves of garlic in a blender with a pint of water. Put in a spray bottle and then apply directly to the plants.
These are both children and pet friendly applications!
Wow never heard of the garlic one. It should also prevent rabbits, deer and maybe groundhogs as they don't like garlic either.
Wow never heard of the garlic one. It should also prevent rabbits, deer and maybe groundhogs as they don't like garlic either.