Good Deal: FREE at CVS!!
These items will be FREE at CVS, 7-19-09 until 7-21-09, because you will get the purchase price back in CVS Extra Care Bucks (to be spent on next CVS order) there is a limit of TWO offers for each CVS Extra Care card holder (if you don’t have one get one! it is FREE! If you have one ALWAYS scan it upon entering ANY CVS at the red price check scanner because you will get extra coupons to spend for your shopping):
1″ Vinyl Binder $3.00
Caliber or CVS 150 count filler paper $2.00
Caliber or CVS 50-80 page memo books .99
Caliber or CVS 24 count #2 pencils $1.99
PaperMate 10 count pens .99
This is good until 7-25-09: CVS pantyline .89