Good Deal: A&P Save up to 15% on Future Groceries


Posted on : 13-03-2009 | By : georginesaves | In : Good Deals

The more you shop the more you save at A&P! Shop at A&P between 3-13-09 and 4-02-09 and be sure to use your A&P Bonus Savings Card every time. You will earn a 5% off certificate when you spend $200.00 -$299.99, you will earn an ADDITIONAL 5% certificate when you spend $300.00-$399.00, and you will earn another ADDITIONAL 5% certificate when you spend $400.00 or more during the time frame of the offer. You can combine these certificates to earn up to 15% off your future shopping order that can be redeemed 4-03-09 through 4-16-09. There is a limit of three 5% certificates per household. Great deal!

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