Tip of the Day: Best Deals in April


Posted on : 01-04-2024 | By : georginesaves | In : Tip of the day

April is known for it’s rain, so the term: April Showers so if you need rain gear such as umbrellas and raincoats, even boots, this is the time to buy because you should find savings of up to 30% off. Make sure you have a sturdy umbrella and waterproof boots in the case of a downpour! Remember April showers bring May flowers!

Spring fashions will be around for a short period of time, so grab yours with coupon codes and/or percent-off coupons at your favorite retailers in-store or online. It’s a good time to get that swimsuit you might need, now, while the selection is plentiful.

Digital Cameras will be discounted. A tip: ask if you can try the camera in the store before you buy. This way you’ll be sure it suits your needs.

Tax software is still discounted as the deadline is the middle of the month.

Speaking of, Monday, April 15, 2024, Tax Day ONLY, offers freebies. Check your favorite fast-food, Doughnut Shop, and restaurants for offers.

April is National Car Care Month. You’ll find deals on tires, oil changes, and some FREE educational events. Keep up your car’s maintenance so you’ll be able to enjoy the Summer fun ahead.

Celebrate Earth Day on 4-22-24. Some stores and restaurants have special Earth Day sales, deals, and may offer FREE items on this day. Several shopping malls and centers also have Earth Day promotions such as FREE recycling of electronics, earth-friendly reusable tote bags, lots of reusable FREEbies, and discounts on purchases of energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances. Don’t forget deals on organic foods!

If you didn’t find a deal on an air conditioner last month, look again. You’ll still find new savings!

Garage and estate sales will be popping up. That means more people are embracing decluttering as part of their Spring cleaning routine. You may find a bargain on something you didn’t know you needed!!!

There will be early Mother’s Day (5-12-24)  gifts available that will save you time next month when so many activities begin! Buy now and reduce your stress!

Auto dealers want you to spend your tax refund at their dealership so there will be incentives and other bargains to be found.

After Easter and Passover, be sure to hit grocery stores and Walmart and Target to find left over chocolate and sweet goodies as well as décor and supplies for up to half off. Passover specialty foods will be discounted after the holiday too. Remember candy can be used in baking! Clearance on Easter egg dye, Easter baskets and grass, and décor can be saved for next year!

Athletic footwear is STILL on sale online, so shop around to get a deal that you can find useful for your Summer activities. Sneaker sales will be plentiful.

Now that Winter is finally fading and we are looking forward to getting back outside, retailers will often run sales on items geared toward outdoor activities. This includes bike helmets, as well as athletic shoes, and other activewear apparel.

Spring is usually the month we think about sprucing up our homes. Do-it-Yourselfers rejoice! Paint, closet organizers, and other honey-do items can be found at savings on the online Home stores. Don’t forget the Garden Department! Tools and accessories will be well stocked now so shop for what you need early and get some good deals! Since there (hopefully) won’t be another major snowfall in the near future, it means you can get a nice discount on snow removal equipment. National Arbor Day, 4-26-24, encourages us to celebrate and plant trees. Look for in-store promotions and giveaways.

April starts wedding season. Pots and Pans are on every couple’s registry. So you’ll find sales on Cookware.

If your vacuum cleaner needs CPR, this is a good month to shop for a new model this month.

Your favorite grocery stores will have eggs, plenty of eggs (finally prices are coming down!!), on sale as well as cake mixes, frosting, baking supplies and spices, and pie crusts. Ham, spices, produce including asparagus, strawberries, beets, broccoli, cabbages, carrots, grapefruit, avocados, mushrooms, onions, peas, rhubarb, and artichokes will be priced much lower.

Before we know it, Winter will be a memory and the longer days will be filled with sunshine and warmer weather. Enjoy!

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